Senior Care News

Why Should Your Senior Parent Take Up Meditation?

Meditation has become a popular means of stress reduction. Though, for people who don’t know a lot about meditation, it seems like a new age, woo woo trend that’s popular among wealthy women and men.

Elder Care in Memorial TX

Elder Care in Memorial TXMeditation has become a popular means of stress reduction. Though, for people who don’t know a lot about meditation, it seems like a new age, woo woo trend that’s popular among wealthy women and men. Some people haven’t given much thought to meditation at all. You may be surprised to learn that meditation is neither new age or woo woo, and it has many health benefits that could have a positive impact on your aging parent, which can also lead to positive results on the elder care they receive.

Meditation is a method of training the mind. The simple breathing and quiet of meditation is a natural stress reducer. Especially for older adults who are dealing with many changing life issues. Things like declining health, the loss of a loved one, and reducing mobility can be very stressful. Meditation helps the practitioner slow down, focus, and breathe.

Meditation is also helpful in dealing with feelings of loneliness. Studies have shown that loneliness isn’t only an emotional state where sufferers feel alone in the world, but it also has physical implications as well. People who suffer with feelings of loneliness are at an increased risk of developing heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and even premature death.

Researchers at UCLA conducted an 8-week long meditation program, the results of which showed a reduction in loneliness in adults 65 and older. Even more interesting, the researchers knew of the association between loneliness and the increased activity of inflammation-related genes that can promote disease. The researchers found that meditation significantly reduced the activity of inflammatory genes, reducing practitioner’s chances of developing disease.

“Our work presents the first evidence showing that a psychological intervention that decreases loneliness also reduces pro-inflammatory gene expression,” Cole said. “If this is borne out by further research, MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction) could be a valuable tool to improve the quality of life for many elderly.”

Meditation is also a way to quiet the mind and do something positive for yourself. It teaches how to be present in the moment, instead of focusing on the past or the future.

Meditation is a great way to increase the emotional and physical wellness of your loved one. If you think this would be a great practice for them to begin, there are a number of resources available that can help. They can attend a class, buy a book on meditation, or find a variety of resources and instructional videos online that will help them get started.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in Memorial, TX, please call the caring staff at At Your Side Home Care. We will answer all of your senior care questions. Call today: (832) 271-1600.

Donna Wrabel, LMSW
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